New Moon Party® Ennea Rooftop Bar ★ MONASTY Hotel Thessaloniki | 19.7.2023

New Moon Party με Special Guest DJ τον Αλέξανδρο Χριστόπουλο και αφορμή το νέο φεγγάρι, την Τετάρτη 19 Ιουλίου στις 7 το απόγευμα, στο Ennea Rooftop Bar στον τελευταίο όροφο του Monasty Hotel με την καλύτερη 360ᵒ πανοραμική θέα της πόλης!
ENNEA Rooftop Bar
For heavenly views and seductive tastes, drinks and flavours, reach for the top and the Ennea Rooftop Bar of MonAsty Hotel in Thessaloniki with the 360° views to the sea and the city, is a must-be destination in Thessaloniki to enjoy an experience of relaxation and beauty in its boho-chic surroundings.
Ennea Rooftop Bar is the most delicious viewpoint of Thessaloniki. In an upscale ambience, it is an all-day destination for gourmands longing for stupendous vistas paired with a coffee and light snacks till afternoon, and exceptional wine and cocktail list with a delicate collection of fine bites till the evening. Its mini degustation menu experiments with haute ingredients and techniques as you admire breathtaking city panoramas in a single gaze.
Wed 19/7 from 7pm onwards
A Unique New Moon® Party by Alexandros Christopoulos
Reservations: 23102744545
Enjoy elit vodka!